Family RANJA Plantaur-Affineur since 1924 from Vanille Bourbon to Madagascar

In 1924, originally, the Plantation LAVANY

was founded by Egyptienne RANJA and Edouard RAJERA our great-grandparents
in the village of bush of Betavilona,
in the heart of the SAVA, north-east of Madagascar.

Edward RAJERA <small>and</small> Egyptian RANJA <p style="text-align: center;">The history of the <strong><span>Vanilla <span style="color: #d0121a;">LAVANY</span></span></strong><br/>is inseparable from that of our Family.</p>

Edouard RAJERA and Egyptienne RANJA

The history of the Vanilla LAVANY
is inseparable from that of our Family.

In 2024, today, at Plantation LAVANY

we develop our activities planter, of'refiner and'exporter.

Bernadette RAZANANY Manager of the Ets. RANJA in Antalaha - Madagascar

Bernadette RAZANANY

Manager Ets. RANJA in Antalaha - Madagascar

Ets RANJA in Betavilona and Antalaha - Madagscar Producer of Vanille LAVANY Bourbon.

Vanilla of Madagascar

Madagascar the world's leading producer of Vanille Bourbon, a name that designates the Vanilla produced in the Indian Ocean.

The Vanilla LAVANY is cultivated and refined in bush village of Betavilona north-east of Madagascar.

Vanilla culture in Madagascar is a laborious and thorough process, manual pollination of vanillar flowers. The pods undergo a long process of preparation, including scalding, fermentation, drying and refining, which lasts several months

Amédée BOTRA The Technical Director of the RANJA states in Antalaha - Madagascar

Amédée BOTRA

Technical Director

Fidgé and Anicet JERA Head of bush cultivation in Betavilona, Madagascar

Fidgé and Anicet JERA

The heads of bush crops

"Naivo" Jean-Eudes JERA Head of Operations of the RANJA Ets in Antalaha - Madagascar

"Naivo" Jean-Eudes JERA


"Go" Hungary BOTRA Head of Operations of the RANJA states in Antalaha - Madagascar

"Go" Hungary BOTRA


The "Barda Team" (View video)

Refining Vanilla pods at our station Manambato in Antalaha - Madagascar


Manager of Vanille LAVANY - LALINE SAVEURS

KNOW-YEAR 100 Years of Tradition

1924 - 2024

Since 2002, I am proud to represent the 4th generation and continue our beautiful family adventure

The harvest 2024 was an exceptional edition for our family plantation.

It's our 100th harvest, 100 years of know-how and Tradition.

We are proud to have continued the work initiated by our elders during these many years.

From simple Planter-Affineur of Vanilla originally, we are now among recognized distributors of Vanilla Gourmet in Europe and the World.

We offer you Organic Farming certified AB or Conventional Vanillas.

Our methods of cultivation and refining are 100% natural; no pesticides or fertilizers are used in our plantations.

The health of our consumers is paramount and preservation of our environment has always been a concern.

We are content with what Nature offers us.

Unlike the various European Vanilla traders, we distribute our Vanillas by ourselves.
This very short circuit ensures you all year round traceability and quality assurance of our Vanillas.

Direct sale without intermediary from producer to consumer

Planter Diagram - Refiner - Distributor

The quality of our Vanillas satisfies the most demanding gourmets, we thank you for your loyalty.