This website is the property of the SARL LALINE SAVEURS,
headquartered at 14, rue Alan Turing - 81000 ALBI - France,
registered under Siren numbers 444498364, intra-Community VAT FR 20444498364.
Phone +33-05 63 47 77 68 - email

The Director of the publication is Lucia SALVETAT, who has the status of Manager of SARL LALINE SAVEURS.

Host Information: DSIX - 6, Place de la Vie - 81600 GAILLAC - France.


This site constitutes a work of which the SARL LALINE SAVEURS is the author within the meaning of articles L111.1 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

The photographs, texts, drawings, images, animated sound sequences or not, as well as all works embedded in the site are the property of Vanille LAVANY SHOPSARL LALINE SAVEURS or by third parties who have authorised to use them.

Reproductions, on paper or computer, of the said website and of images reproduced therein, are permitted provided that they comply with the provisions of article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code and are strictly reserved for professional use excluding any use for advertising and/or commercial and/or information purposes.

With the exception of the above provisions, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site, of all or part of the various images which make up it, without having obtained the prior authorisation of Vanille LAVANY SHOPSARL LALINE SAVEURS, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an offence of forgery in accordance with the provisions of Article L335-2 punishes three years of imprisonment and 300 000 €uros fine.

Where the offences provided for in this Article have been committed in an organized band, the penalties shall be increased to seven years' imprisonment and to €750,000 fine.


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The brand Vanille LAVANY 
SHOP is the property of the SARL Laline Saveurs - 14, rue Alan Turing - 81000 ALBI - France - and is deposited at the 'INPI- National Institute of Industrial Property - 26 bis, rue de Saint Petersburg - 75008 Paris Cedex 08 - under the National number : 02 3 196 391 dated 20 november 2002, renewed 30 august 2012 and 25 august 2022.

The brand Vanille LAVANY is owned by the SARL Laline Saveurs -14, rue Alan Turing - 81000 ALBI - France - and is deposited at 'EUIPO - Office of the European Union for Intellectual Property dated October 31, 2023.

The brand SARL LALINE SAVEURS is the property of the SARL Laline Saveurs - 14, rue Alan Turing - 81000 ALBI - France - and is deposited at the 'INPI- National Institute of Industrial Property - 26 bis, rue de Saint Petersburg - 75008 Paris Cedex 08 - under the National number : 08 3 561 828 dated 10 march 2008, and was renewed on 18 october 2018.

Site update: March 08 2025 - © VANILLE LAVANY-SHOP - SARL LALINE SAVEURS