Our Company
14, rue Alan Turing - 81000 ALBI - France
+33 05 63 47 77 68

OFFER to your loved ones the best of Madagascar's Vanilla!
Discover and taste the best Vanilla products combined in a GIFT Box composed of Vanillas Bourbon variety Planifolia AB certified, Organic Farming, from our family plantation located in the village of bush of Betavilona to Madagascar :
- 20 Pods (10 packs of 2 pods) of the Vanilla LAVANY, SAVA, Black, Gourmets, Superior Quality, not split.
- 50 grams of the Pure powder Vanilla LAVANY result of fine grinding whole pods of the most masturbated, with the grains of Vanilla, no additive.
- 100 ml Liquid Natural Extract of the Vanilla LAVANY with a concentration equivalent to 200 grams vanilla pods per litre of Extract, with grains, alcohol-free.
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